Compliance & Ethics

Ethics and compliance are the basis for directing the activities of all those who, in any way, act or collaborate directly or indirectly in the activities of Intrials. During all the years in the market, Intrials remains in its continuous quest to comply with all regulations, policies, and laws, achieving the highest level of ethics during its operations.

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct reflects our purpose and commitment to the highest ethical and professional standards throughout our business operations, and is a fundamental part of our corporate culture and also a powerful tool for promoting a collaborative environment of mutual respect and personal and professional development. Intrials also has several internal and external Policies, such as anti-corruption, always with guidelines focused on the reality of our company and those who are directly or indirectly related to us.

Bearing in mind these documents that are part of our Integrity Program, we develop our activities and seek to improve more and more, in order to prevent, detect, and remedy possible risks for Intrials.

In addition to these mechanisms, we have a Whistleblower Channel, open to the entire public, for receiving complaints in case of uncertainty about any attitude taken by one of our employees, service providers or representatives, which will be carefully evaluated and investigated by the Intrials Compliance Committee, not being tolerated any type of retaliation, always guaranteeing the anonymity of the whistleblower.

Read below our Code of Ethics and Conduct, as well as our Anti-Corruption Policy. If you have any questions or want to report a situation that violates our Code of Ethics and Conduct, even if it is a suspicion, please contact us at or by calling +55 11 4637-6581.

Compliance Committee – Intrials

Code of Ethics and Conduct / Anti-Corruption Policy